How does a burrito transform into a puppy?
Over the years we have developed a variety of endearing terms to describe the puppies’ stages of growth and development. On day one they are adorable rats with faces only a mother could love. They are often scrawny, boney, wiry, rodent-looking creatures and rightly so. They have been through a lot by the time they arrive.
By the end of week-one, they have had hours and hours of rich nourishment from mama and they look more like a plumpy burrito with legs.
They can’t hear.
Their eyes are sealed shut.
They drag themselves around in an army crawl with their front legs. Not very dog-like at all.
They remain in burrito mode for most of week two and then over a 3 or 4 day period drastic changes occur and the pile of burritos turns into a scattered cluster of yipping, wobbling, interactive canines!
Eyes open up and they begin to make eye contact. Since they can see and hear, they begin to notice each other and notice us.
They make their first awkward attempts at playing and they move toward the sound of our voices. They are officially dogs complete with tiny, wagging tails!
By week three they are needing more milk than mama can provide and it is time to begin teaching them to eat and drink from a bowl. The first lessons are merely teaching them where and how to find their additional source of food.
Nearing the end of week three, these roly-poly burritos are sending up their best howls and growls and have completed their metamorphosis into adorable puppies. Enjoy the two videos, capturing their cuteness, below.