Following protocols used successfully by a number of breeders and by the U.S. Military as part of their canine "Super Dog" Program, we have decided to implement Early Neurological Stimulation on days 3-16 with our puppies. The benefits that have been observed in dogs that were exposed to Early Neurological Stimulation are improved heart rate, stronger heart beats, stronger adrenal glands, greater stress tolerance and greater resistance to disease.

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The five gentle exercises are 1. Tactile Stimulation 2. Head held erect 3. Head pointed down 4. Supine position and 5. Thermal stimulation. By practicing these 5 safe and simple exercises for 3-5 seconds with each puppy once a day, we are taking advantage of a narrow window in which controlled stimuli kick start the neurological system resulting in an increased tolerance to stress and enhanced coping skills later in life. There are several resources that explain this method of puppy enrichment. For more details about this process you can watch a short video clip on Dr. Carmen Battaglia's website. 

Or you can also read more about Early Neurological Stimulation in the super-dog program at Kennel von Lotta 

We practice Early Neurological Stimulation in addition to daily handling and imprinting of our puppies.