Cat nap? I prefer a puppy-nap.

My kids and I often muse about how raising puppies must appear to be an ideal dream of day-long cuddles and romps in the grass to many people. When you see the adorable faces and pictures of all the sweet sleeping snuggle bugs, what else would you expect?

While the reality of raising a litter of puppies involves our fair share of cleaning up poo and pee, trimming nails, exhausting bathing sessions trying to wrangle unruly and unwilling participants, deworming with untastey medicine that is often spit back in our faces, and a host of other challenging activities, I do not want to completely burst your bubble about how enchanting it can be to raise a litter of puppies. It has its cotton candy, fairy tale moments and naptime holds some of the dearest by far.

I thought I would capture a short video of the simple, peaceful moments that we get tastes of during the first few weeks with our puppies. I love spending time sitting in the whelping box and soaking in the warm snuggles and puppy breath. Those moments are too brief, but they are very fulfilling for me. Enjoy!