It's a good dog's life


We consider it a beautiful blessing to live in the country, with room for our children to run and explore, on enough land to share with animals. Our dogs are part of the family and mingle with the menagerie of creatures that call our farmstead home. Our dogs have filled many roles over the years. They are play companions, reassurance for a crying child, an alert to danger (real or perceived), 4-H projects, service projects, and a tutor for the meaning of commitment. Sharing life with our dogs has granted our children many lessons about kindness, friendship, and helping others. 

Scotch Collies are at the heart of our farmstead. I, Becky, shared my childhood with three wonderful Scotch Collies. When I discovered there were individuals working to preserve these kind-hearted, working collie lines I was so thankful my children could also experience country life with an intuitive, intelligent canine at their side. We invite you to explore our pages and get to know us and our dogs a little better. 

Hycottage Farm's Willow

Our Scotch Collies

Hycottage Farm's Willow, Reg. OTSC/SCPS- Willow is everything we could ask for in a family farm collie. She is attentive, loving, and agile. She has spunk when she needs it yet relaxes easily. She is gentle with children and knows how to regulate her activity level. She announces the presence of visitors, then greets them with a lick and a wag. She has a guardian spirit for her family and animals. In other words, she embodies the Scotch Collie temperament. Click here to learn more about Willow and upcoming litters. 

Scotch Collies form a strong attachment bond with their people. Their desire is to be with you, to please you, and join in whatever activity is going on at the moment. Our experience is that they are an even tempered dog.  Our Scotch Collies have had a moderate energy level that is pushed into high gear when necessary and quickly regulated when the action is over. We believe that Scotch Collies make great family dogs. 

You can also find more information about our Retired Service Dog Mommas and about our Volunteer Work with our Service Dogs in Training Fosters on Our Dogs page. 

Kiza and Nika, retired Service Dog Mommas

Kiza and Nika, retired Service Dog Mommas

Hue in training at the library.

Hue in training at the library.

My brother and I with our first collie.

Childhood Collies

Laddie was a huggable, gentle, beautiful sable. Who wouldn't be smitten? Collies have had my heart from childhood. Click through to see the Collies that fueled our passion to preserve Scotch Collies for generations to come. 

Most of my childhood days were spent outside and usually exploring the woods around our home. Our collies went everywhere with us. They loved to play fetch, tag, chase wild rabbits and squirrels, and play in the snow by dragging the sled rope with their teeth, even with us on the sled!  Our collies were truly our best friends, the kind of dog and playmate every child dreams of. 



Cody was always curious about my bunnies.

Cody was always curious about my bunnies.

Cody, male from Ginger's second litter.

Cody, male from Ginger's second litter.

Cody pulling me around on the sled.

Cody pulling me around on the sled.