Are you ready for a puppy? Do you understand the specific needs of a herding breed? Are you prepared to make a lifetime commitment to a dog?

Click on our Puppy Prep Checklist to find out.

The American Frontier Litter - 2020

The following video is from our 2018 Litter.

Our 2018 litter of 11 Scotch Collie puppies was conditioned to sit quietly for a treat. We accomplished this by rewarding the desired behavior with treats, eye contact, and petting but we stepped back and looked away from a puppy when it was jumping, barking, or mouthing to seek attention.

Puppy Enrichment and Puppy Culture


When puppies arrive, everyone wants to be involved! Puppies require many hours of care and attention, but the rewards are so great. The first few weeks of puppyhood are filled with opportunities for early neurological stimulation, desensitization, socialization, and establishing training foundations.   Click through to our puppy enrichment page to read about our puppy socialization methods. Learn about the time and effort we invest in each puppy to give them the best start to becoming a confident, biddable, family collie. You can also complete a Puppy Application Form so you can be added to the waiting list for your very own Scotch Collie puppy. 

Go to our Puppies Page and Current litter and Planned Litter for more info and pictures. 



Hycottage Farm Photo Gallery of Collies

A HUGE thank you to our puppy families for sending me updated pictures of their Hycottage Farm Collies! Our puppy families have become wonderful ambassadors for the breed. This gallery is just a glimpse of our collies thriving with their families. If you click on a picture it will enlarge the gallery and you can swipe/click through the photos.

You can find individual puppy galleries from birth to 2022 In the Gallery of previous litters. then click through each litter’s page listed by year in the menu.